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Getting started with TentacleSync

Choose your Tentacle

Hey, thanks so much for choosing our product. You’re not only getting a piece of technology here, but also all the heart and soul we put into it.

Have fun working with it!

Tentacle Team


Timecode Audio Recorder

Get the setup app

One app for all devices: set up, record and monitor with just a few clicks. Get it here:

Android Apple
Quick Start Guide
About SD cards

The TRACK E should be compatible with any class 10 microSDHC card up to 32GB. We have tested the following cards:

  • Sandisk Edge 16GB
  • Sandisk Ultra 16/32 GB
  • Sandisk Extreme 16/32GB
  • Sandisk Extreme PRO 16/32GB
About microphones

You can use any lavalier microphone, which needs up to 5V plug-in power. We have tested the following microphones with the TRACK E:


Timecode Generator

Get the setup app

One app for all devices: set up and monitor with just a few clicks.

Android Apple
Quick Start Guide


Multipurpose Timecode Display

Get the setup app

One app for all devices: set up and monitor with just a few clicks.

Android Apple
Quick Start Guide

Get your Sync Studio software license!

For Mac only

Our Tentacle Sync Studio software for synchronization and audio processing gives you a seamless and professional audio and video workflow. And… your Tentacle device is the key to your software license.

  • Download, install and open the software on your computer
  • Switch on your Tentacle device and connect it via USB
  • Press „Get a free device license“ on the pop-up window
  • Fill in the required information and receive your license key via email
Infographic Get Your License

Find out more about our post-production workflow

Timecode Tool

For Windows only

The software transforms recorded audio timecode into file timecode. This way this little tool builds a bridge between hardware without a dedicated TC input and editing systems that are not compatible with audio TC.

Find out more about Timecode Tool